Volunteer with TAC Madison
TAC Madison has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities, including positions related to supply donations, sales and other special events, workshops, and more. Current opportunities are posted below. Check back often; new opportunities are posted regularly. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with TAC!
Current opportunities:
TAC is creating a quilt for Meriter Foundation’s Love is Love benefit event coming up on Saturday, Feburary 15. Be a part of our quilt-making team. The quilt is being designed by quilt artist (and TAC teaching artist) Kaitlin Esche-Lyon. She’s seeking a team of folks who can sew blocks on Wednesdays at TAC - January 29 and February 5 - from 1-4pm. Email us for additional details.
Exhibition Opening Reception: Volunteer at the opening reception of Convergence on Friday, January 31. Shifts are 1.5 hours for greeting guests, taking photographs, and working the refreshments table.
TAC Street Team: Assist TAC with putting up posters for upcoming exhibitions, events, and workshops around town. Choose locations in your own neighborhood! Email Elizabeth at elizabeth@textileartsmadison.org to become part of the team and sign up for current opportunities.
TAC Sac Team: Assist TAC with an ongoing project that supports our mission: recycling upholstery fabric remnants into reusable shopping bags—TAC Sacs. Volunteers are needed to organize supplies and rotary cut the fabric needed for the simple TAC Sac pattern; and, use their machines to sew together the pattern pieces—each unique TAC Sac can be made with only 7 seams! TAC will provide the pattern as well as rotary cutters, rulers, heavy duty needles, thread, and upholstery weight fabric. Bring your own machine. Upcoming dates:
Thursday, February 13, 9am-12pm
Thursday, March 13, 9am-12pm
Thursday, April 10, 9am-12pm
Sewing Machine Expert: Help TAC on an ongoing basis assessing and testing donated machines. This is a job that will take 2-3 hours/month and can be scheduled based on your availability (weekday availability prefered). You don’t have to be an expert at repair (though if you are… even better!), just assessing the model, age, functions, and whether the machine is in working order. Email us for additional details.
Ready Crew: Are you willing to be on call for TAC when a job comes up that we can use help with? Examples could include picking up a large donation, putting together shelving, moving furniture, etc. We’re seeking individuals that could help with any given job within a week or two of the call with exact timing flexible based on your availability. Email us for additional details.