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Wool Doll Making

Wool Doll Making

Wool Doll Making

Sunday, November 24, 12-4pm

Class level: All levels welcome, but should be comfortable with basic stitches on a sewing machine

Age requirements: Ages 10+ (if under 16, participant should be registered with an adult)

Registration fee: $75

Teaching artist: Linda Linssen

In this workshop, participants will learn how to create their own colorful, whimsical doll, using upcycled wool and other materials. (Dolls are typically 10-12 inches high, although the size can be modified.) Each student will take home at least one completed doll.

Participants will learn basic embroidery stitches and utilize existing basic sewing skills. They will also receive guidance on choosing visually appealing, albeit unconventional, doll parts, hair, and embellishments.

The first hour will be spent sharing examples of finished dolls, describing the process, and having students choose doll parts from a wide variety provided. Participants will choose upper bodies, lower bodies, shoes, eyes, mouths, and optional dresses (and lining), yarn for hair, and embellishments. The second hour will be instruction and demonstration on how to embroider the eyes, nose, and mouth on the doll, plus work time. The third hour will be instruction and demonstration on how to assemble and sew the doll body and optional dress, plus work time. The fourth hour will be instruction and demonstration on various ways to sew hair on the doll, plus work time.

Students should know how to thread and operate a sewing machine and do basic stitches: forward, back, and zigzag. Some hand-embroidery experience is also helpful, but not required.

​Supplies for participants to bring:

  • Sewing machine (if you would like to use one from TAC’s studio, please email us)

  • Sharp sewing scissors (TAC has fabric scissors in its studio; you are welcome to use ours if you do not already own them)

  • Embroidery scissors (TAC has embroidery scissors in its studio; you are welcome to use ours if you do not already own them)

  • A pincushion or magnetic container to keep track of needles and pins (optional)

  • Sweaters, fabric, old clothing you want to use in your doll (optional). Any sweaters or knits should be pre-shrunk.

  • Any small sports team or other patches or appliqués you would like to add to your doll’s clothing (optional)

Note: All other supplies are included.



Linda Linssen has been an upcycler and DIYer all her life. She enjoys transforming formerly loved items and materials into something newly loved. In the past, she has made and gifted dozens of crazy quilts and pillows, incorporating keepsakes. More recently, Linda has made mittens for friends from their loved ones’ old wool sweaters, plus custom dolls from people’s wedding dresses, sweaters, and other materials. (Linda learned sewing from her grandmother and quilting from her mother.)

Linda’s careers were in teaching (middle school, high school, community college) and writing. She now edits books and continues to upcycle and share the joy of doing so.

November 23

Felted Christmas Stocking

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