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Monsters at the Table: Embroidered Napkins

Monsters at the Table: Embroidered Napkins

Wednesday, November 13, 6-8:30pm

Class level: All levels welcome

Age requirements: Ages 10+ (if under 16, participant should be registered with an adult)

Registration fee: $45

Teaching artist: Autumn Arnold

In this workshop, you will learn how to transform a simple drawing (a child’s drawing or any other artwork) into an embroidered dinner napkin using a simple and easy backstitch. The resulting napkin is a practical, functional way to preserve and enjoy an artwork - and they make great gifts!

Participants will need to email a photo of the drawing ahead of time, and we will work together to make a usable pattern, transfer it to the fabric using a window or improvised light table, and then make progress toward embroidering it. Depending on the size and complexity of the drawing, participants may be able to finish their design in class, or they may need to finish stitching at home. In class, we will cover all of the steps needed to prepare the design and get the hang of embroidering in a way that looks great in the front and on the back of the napkin.

A cloth napkin and all needed sewing supplies will be furnished, but participants may opt to bring their own napkin, embroidery hoop or other sewing supplies as desired. Reading glasses are highly recommended for anyone who may need them for small, detailed hand sewing! All skill levels are welcome, including people who are new to embroidery. This class will focus on the simplest method of stitching the design, but more experienced embroiders are welcome to embellish as they see fit.

​Supplies for participants to bring:

  • A photo of a drawing emailed ahead of the workshop. Instructions will be provided after registration.

Note: All other supplies are included.



Autumn Arnold is a bureaucrat by day and an arts enthusiast by night. After decades of focus on writing, printing, and paper arts, she started an artistic collaboration with her now-8-year-old son in which he draws something and she embroiders it. (“Momma, will you ‘needle’ this?”) Embroidery is now her go-to activity for plane rides, camping, visiting with relatives, watching soccer games, attending children’s birthday parties…and it turns out to also be a productive alternative to doom scrolling. She has delivered trainings and workshops on many other, less interesting topics over the years, but this is her first foray into sharing her love of making art with others.

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