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Jogakbo Ornament

Jogakbo Ornament

Jogakbo Ornament

Wednesday, November 6, 6-8pm

Class level: Beginner with some hand sewing experience

Age requirements: 18 and older

Teaching artist: Miryeong Hong (@onijogakbo)

Class fee: $90

Jogakbo is traditional Korean patchwork, which uses scraps of leftover fabrics from traditional Korean garments. As with quilting, the Jogakbo technique is used to create a wide variety of items, from large-scale pieces to small decorative items such as the Beoseon ornaments participants will make in this workshop.

In this workshop, participants will make a Beoseon ornament using traditional Korean silk called Bee-Dan. Beoseon is a traditional Korean sock. Participants will create a traditional ribbon with Seek-dong, colorful Korean-styled stripes.

The project will include cutting out the pattern for the Beoseon, making a tassel with thread, and attaching it to the Beoseon. While making the Beoseon, participants will learn a hand-stitching method, gam-chim-ji, also known as the whip stitch.

The workshop will begin with a brief introduction to this art form, to traditional Korean patchwork, and to traditional Korean attire, including Hanbok and Beoseon. Following this introduction, Miryeong will demonstrate stitching techniques and participants will have ample time to dedicate to completing the stitched ornament.

All supplies and tools will be provided, however see below for items you can bring if you have them. Some experience in hand sewing is recommended.

Optional supplies:

  • Fabric scissors

  • Thimble

  • Small sewing scissors

  • Small grid ruler

  • Hera maker

  • Small cutting mat



Inspired by the color-saturated four seasons in her homeland of South Korea, Miryeong Hong has made Jogakbo (traditional Korean patchwork) with traditional fabric for sixteen years. With Jogakbo, she focuses on various textures and colors that represent distinctive aspects of each season which helped her overcome homesickness following her move to Wisconsin. Miryeong’s artworks have been exhibited in galleries and a public library, she has participated in local art fairs, and has shown in schools in the Madison area.

Social: @onijogakbo

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